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Theory Exams Time Table - 2012 APRIL & MAY RESULTS 2012(MAY) Govt Order for Eight subjects Carry over to higher semesters 24/07/2012 RESULTS 2012(NOV)  (08-002-2013) April - May 2013 Exam-Calendar of Events (08-02-2013) SEATING ARRANGEMENT FOR 1ST INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TEST  FOR 2nd , 4th & 6th SEMESTER April - May 2013 Examination Dates15-03-2013 April/May 2013 Exam Notice 16-03-2013 SEATING ARRANGEMENT FOR 2ND INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TEST  FOR 2nd , 4th & 6th SEMESTER 22-03-2013 & 23-03-2013 Revaluation Result List Of Nov/Dec-2012 SEMESTER EXAMS SEATING ARRANGEMENT FOR 3rd INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TEST  FOR 2nd , 4th & 6th SEMESTER 19-04-2013 & 20-04-2013 Theory Exams Time Table 2013   April & May DCET UNDERTAKING FORM 2013 PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2013 APRIL&MAY TIME TABLE MAY-2013 EXAM RESULT (12-07-2013) EXAMINATIONS  FEE , RE-VALUATION & PHOTO COPIES   LAST DATE 16/02/2013 DOWNLOADS Academic calendar of event 2013-2014 (21-06-2013) MAY-2013 EXAM REVALUATION RESULT(26-08-2013) Theory Exams Provisional Time Table 2013 Nov/Dec (18/09/2013) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2013 Nov&Dec TIME TABLE (06-11-2013) NOV-2013 EXAM RESULT (27-01-20014) Exam for subjects having no equivalent subject RE-VALUATION & PHOTO COPIES LAST DATE 01/08/2013 DOWNLOADS RE-VALUATION & PHOTO COPIES LAST DATE 05/02/2014 DOWNLOADS Result, Exam fee notification LAST DATE (17/02/2014) 2014 april/may diploma exam schedule Theory Exams Time Table 2014   April & May RE-VALUATION & PHOTO COPIES LAST DATE 17/07/2014 DOWNLOADS Exam fee Notification Nov 2014 Equivalency for Subjects MAY-2014 EXAM RESULT (09-07-2014) Academic calendar of event 2014-2015 RE-VALUATION RESULT Theory Exams Time Table 2015   April & May MAY-2015 EXAM RESULT (13-07-2015) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2015 Nov&Dec TIME TABLE (03-11-2015) THEORY EXAM RESULT MAY-2016 >> Quick Help >             > Internal Notice Board ICNC SBP Internal Notice Board DTE Circulars ACM EXM CDC DVP SPS EST ED HRMS STS NSS HOME
DTE ADMISSION SEATING ARRANGEMENT FOR 3rd INTERNAL  I, III & V SEMESTER Theory Exams Time Table 2016   Nov/Dec THEORY EXAM RESULT NOV/DEC-2016 Theory Exams Time Table April/May 2017 THEORY EXAM RESULT MAY-2016 MAXIMUM PERIOD FOR  COMPLETION OF DIPLOMA COURSES Theory Exams Time Table Nov/Dec-2017 THEORY EXAM RESULT NOV-2017 Revised heory Exams Time Table May/June-2018 Issued Examination  revised admission ticket from the  office on 07th  May 2018 onwards THEORY EXAM RESULT MAY-2018 Informing all 3rd & 5th sem students, classes will  commence from 9th July 2018